Entries in the 2019 Holiday Gingerbread-Smackdown contest

Sugar glass windows with LED interior lighting

My entry is a holiday obstacle course inspired by the tv sports competition American Ninja Warrior! My family members have been cast as Ginja competitors and fans and the entire display is made from edible materials. Structures are made from colored gingerbread and the figures are made from fondant.

I prefer to create gingerbread structures that are not flat and have always wanted to do a fairy house. This was so much fun to do! The path to the door is bricks bits and mini chocolate chips. The cap is classic gingerbread and the stem is structural gingerbread to give both their proper texture and color.

He is made of gingerbread with rock candy jewels and spaghetti hair and Chocolate rock decorations

Gingerbread greenhouse made with an original template. Construction grade gingerbread, royal icing, gelatin sheet windows, gingerbread wheelbarrow and fondant grass, wreath, vegetables, orange tree, bucket and shovel. Garden dirt is crushed chocolate wafers.

For 15 years I have designed and built a gingerbread house that our kids and now the neighbor kids decorate with candy. It is then displayed at their elementary school and my office for several weeks. This year’s creation is a memorial to the Honey Run Bridge that was destroyed in the 2018 Camp Fire.

Santa is a relaxing on his own private island the day after Christmas! Here Santa catches a sweet wave made of poured isomalt. Except for the isomalt sugar and chocolate figure elements, it is constructed entirely of gingerbread with no internal supports. The house is traditional gingerbread construction put together with royal icing. Later Santa will relax in his “tin-roofed” beach house, which is supported only by 4 gingerbread palm trees. The roof, palm leaves and rope railing are made of edible ginger clay (made with ground ginger snaps), and everything is painted or colored with food coloring. Santa is modeling chocolate over spaghetti, and the surfboards are packed gingerbread covered with modeling chocolate. Happy Yule Tide!

Homemade gingerbread dough, royal frosting, Oreo cookies for wheels, black licorice rails, assorted candies in box cars. Waffle ice cream cones decorated with royal frosting for trees.

The Lost City was created using a light brown gingerbread dough. All buildings are gingerbread cookie. Sand is gingerbread flour. Poseidon statue is sculpted gingerclay. Small statues are baked gingerbread cookies made from molded toy figurines. Water is painted ginger infused gumpaste. Moss is green ginger flour mixed with shredded coconut and yellow sugar.

I made this in honor of my daughter's year in China.

This Gingerbread house is based on the Gingerbread exchange's Waterford pattern. The roof is made from handcut fondant circles and the windows/lake are crushed hard candy. All Christmas trees are hand beaded and made from royal icing and sugar cones. All piping is royal icing.
Our gingerbread family of 5 is enjoying the holiday season! Mom and Dad are at the top of the walk, little sister is in the gazebo waiting to open presents and the brothers just caught their first fish in the gingerbread ice fishing hut. Last but not least Santa and a couple of his reindeer can be found on the rooftop!
Thanks so much for taking a look at my house. Happy Holidays and gingerbreading to all!

I handmade templates to cut the walls and roofs - and then rolled fondant and cut circles with a small cutter for the roofing shingles. I love making realistic houses - but, knowing this one would be delivered to a children’s hospital after our family party in early December I decided to go with lots of candy and color instead. Kids and adults alike all smile when they see gingerbread :) Wish I could share photos of the back and sides too!

Gingerbread, royal icing, and Moravian cookies. Simple & sweet.

My gingerbread houses emphasize candy decorates over icing trim. There are several dozen different kinds of candy used in the house and yard decorations. The pattern is my own creation loosely based on houses here in Springfield, Illinois.

This totally edible piece has a gingerbread base structure with pastillage brick, pastillage horses and fire truck. The windows are gelatin. All is painted with food colors.

Gingerbread dough made from scratch, candy (isomalt) windows, trampoline made of melted gummy bears with a gingerbread frame (by my 8-year-old son), snowman family made of fondant covered Rice Krispie treats (by my 10-year-old daughter, who also made the fondant wreath). Trees are gingerbread covered in green-dyed Rice Krispies.

Lincoln Memorial 4 ft by 2.5 ft board with Lincoln inside, MLK on the steps, gingerbread, reflecting pool sugar, grass coconut shavings. Tree ice cream cones, people gingerbread, pearls.