Candy Cane Gingerbread Cottage Template
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Bay Window Style:
Dormer Window Style:
Dormer Style:
Tower or Turret Style:
Balcony Style:
Column Style:
Cupola Style:
Gazebo Style:
The Candy Cane Gingerbread Cottage is a fun little one-story gingerbread house based on the Minimal-Traditional style house, with a Side Open-Gabled roof (commonly referred to as a Cape Cod style).
This style of house was known as the "house that could" - with a simple exterior design that gave the small house the appearance of maximum size. Either assymetrical or symetrical, and may include varied window placement, small porches or carports, and perhaps a half-story finished living space under the roof (think attic bedroom).
This gingerbread house includes a front wing, two porches, and an exterior chimney on the side gable. A fun intermediate skilled house to expand upon gingerbread skills.