A favorite addition to my gingerbread display, the "Got-Snow" snowman!
The St. Andrews Gingerbread House includes this cute little guy! Follow these easy instructions to make the "Got-Snow" snowman.
Make a puddle of snow with a mixture of glaze (powder sugar and water). Add just enough water so that the mixture is liquid enough to spoon-out, but not too liquid that the mixture runs all over.
Roll a fresh marshmallow around in your hands until the edges are smooth and the marshmallow is round.
Place marshmallow (head) on top of the snow-puddle.
With marzipan (or gum-paste, fondant, or your choice of "clay") that you have already colored, make top-hat, gloves, scarf, etc.
Make "Got-Snow" sign out of paper, tape to tooth-pick, and place in snowman's glove.
Click here for instructions for the white wrought-iron fence.
Gingerbread-By-Design provides The Best Gingerbread Templates! View the entire collection here!