Gingerbread Template Roof Styles
Gingerbread-By-Design provides Gingerbread Templates inspired by a variety of roof types, designs and styles.

Clerestory Roof
A clerestory roof has an interior wall built extending above one section of the roof, with this section of wall often lined with several windows, or one long window. The sections of roof either side of the vertical wall are typically sloping, allowing a large amount of natural light into the windows.
Cross Hipped Roof (Hip and Valley)
A cross hipped roof is a common roof type, with perpendicular hip sections that form an ‘L’ or ‘T’ shape in the roof hip. Hip and valley roofs have a total of four sloping surfaces, with two joined on a common ridge, and the other two on either end of the central ridge.
Flat Roof, with Parapet
A flat roof with the walls of the building extending upwards past the roof by a few feet around the edges. The addition of a parapet makes a flat roof far safer, providing a small barrier that provides additional security to reduce the likelihood of anyone standing the roof falling over the edge.
Octagonal Pyramid Roof
Formed of eight triangular identically pitched roof panels. Builders often choose this shape when they need to roof a building that’s round or nearly round. Instead of dealing with the awkward fractions that another shape might require, they simply divide 360 degrees into half, then half again, then half a final time, winding up with the 22 1/2-degree angle that’s needed to build an eight-sided roof.